Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Practice What You Preach

ACLU vs. Civil Liberties

I initially started looking through the conservative blogs because I thought it would be easier to write if it were about something I disagreed with. But that is beside the point. I think that the author of this article brings up a lot of good points. He talks about how the left wing people have already gotten their way by having people that don't support abortion subsidize it. But now the ACLU is trying to force Catholic hospitals to perform them. I'm completely pro choice, but I'm also against people forcing their beliefs on me.            
So if a Catholic hospital doesn't believe in performing abortions, who has the right to ask them to do so? If someone who is pro choice and is looking to get an abortion I'm certain that they could find a clinic with no religious affiliation where they could find help. The author does a good job of stating his beliefs and acknowledging the ACLU’s beliefs but also maintains a neutral mindset when discussing how the ACLU crossed the line. We all have our own beliefs and should all practice tolerance but it’s not fair to ask anyone to do something that directly conflicts with their beliefs. He brings up a very strong, graphic point about having “blood on his hands”. He says that any doctor who performs abortions knows exactly what their getting themselves into, so if it’s something they believe in supporting they are well aware of what it entails. But to ask someone who believes that abortion is murder to perform one is obscene and cruel.
I think his strongest point is when he says the Left’s go to argument for issues such as gay marriage is, “how will my gay marriage affect you?” And the answer to that is that is doesn’t so that’s settled and people can go on to be intolerant but they have no direct connection to a gay marriage they don’t support. But with this situation with the Catholic church “how will performing an abortion affect you?” The answer is that it directly contradicts their beliefs and they are being asked to personally take part in something they don’t believe in, which no one should have to do.            

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