Friday, October 4, 2013

Birth Control and a Boss's Religious Views

The Editorial Board for the New York Times recently published an editorial about the fact that some companies are refusing to cover birth control in their employees benefits because of their own personal religious views. While there is a rule that religious non profit houses of worship such as hospitals, universities, and charities don't have to cover birth control in their benefits for their employees. While I don't see how hospitals and universities fit into that group, I do understand allowing charities the right to deny birth control coverage. Anyone that goes to work for a charity must really be on board with everything the charity supports, while people that work at hospitals and universities don't necessarily share the same religious views as the people who run them. I think this article is directed at everyone, but mainly the Supreme Court because at the end of the article they say how they hope the Supreme Court will handle this situation. They claim that if this rule is not handled properly that business owners could use their religious beliefs to discriminate against women. While I think that statement is a little drastic I do believe that people could be using their religious views to withhold benefits from employees in an attempt to impart their own ideals on the people that work for them.

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