Thursday, December 12, 2013

Education System Makeover

            America should implement a new education program that offers more than the core reading, writing, math, science, and history. There is a quote that goes, “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will spend its whole life believe that it is stupid.” So many kids in elementary, middle, and high schools get discouraged because of how specific all of the standardized testing is and they think that if they aren’t good at at least one of the five subjects they’re taught then they must be stupid. Only when a person makes it college, assuming their previous schooling didn’t scar them enough to opt out, are they told that the options of what you can study and excel in are endless.
            They should teach kids early on that academia isn’t their only option. They should offer programs in schools nation wide that teach kids more about the arts, and hands on jobs like welding and constructing or cooking. Why should a kid be made to feel like he’s dumb when he can’t memorize a thousand useless facts, but can build a house with his own two hands? Kids have such unbelievable imaginations so they should be inspired and encouraged instead of having packets of required curriculum drilled into their brains day after day.

            The most effective way to do this would be for the government to change their required core curriculum that gets sent out in bulk across the country. The government needs to be more concerned with the quality of education and less concerned with standardized test scores that don’t accurately portray the intelligence level of our nation’s youth.

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