Friday, December 13, 2013

Commentary on WhatAmericaNeedsToRealize

Above is the link to the blog I commented on. For some reason my computer would not let me submit my comment to her actual post so I have provided the link to the post so you can put my comment into context.

This is an incredibly valid post with an issue that I've spent a lot of time thinking about as well. You did a very good job of providing examples of how he speaks a lot about celebrities. I think President Obama is trying to appeal to younger voters by referencing pop culture but it sometimes crosses the line into seeming like he spends too much time keeping up with pop culture news. He once referenced Snooki, from Jersey Shore, and her tanning habits. Why in the world should Obama even know who that person is? I think it is important that he discusses things that people can relate to but instead of talking about celebrities that everyone already knows about, he should be informing America's youth about people they have never heard of who have had great success in math and science or in soccer or in art. Young people need to know that there is more to success than tabloids. His heart is in the right place because I know he is thinking about his own daughters' futures but he should be bringing unknown heroes to the public eye instead of talking about celebrities who are always talked about anyways. I think that he should stand behind more programs like Teach For America, Peace Core, and other programs that really make a difference in the world.

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