Friday, December 13, 2013

Foster System

                America needs to do something to improve the foster care system. There are so many kids that are homeless or orphaned or who have been treated so poorly by their biological parents that they were surrendered to the government’s child care system. Most foster children generally do not stay in one foster home for very long. So many American citizens that want to adopt children look to other countries to try and save a child who would otherwise grow up in a 3rd world country. But there are so many parent-less children of all ages in the United States who just want someone to love them.
                The foster care system needs to do very thorough background checks on the families that they choose for the program. And have frequent, equally thorough, check ins to make sure that each child is being treated well and is socially, mentally, and physically healthy. There should be a maximum number of children that each foster family can house at any given time. If too many children end up in one foster home they don’t get as much individual attention and encouragement.  Each child should feel like they are actually cared for instead of feeling like an ID number that is just trying to survive the shuffle. The youth are our future but it seems as though people forget that the youth who are in government foster systems are just as important.

                Our current system does not need to be shut down it just needs to be revamped. Honestly, the youth should be the countries main focus because nothing really matters if our nation’s future is not being taken care of properly.

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