Friday, September 20, 2013

A Heartbreaking Reminder Of Our Fellow Americans' Ignorance

Education: Our Best Defense Against Ignorance

In the article linked above Michael Rohrer talks about the fact that homosexuality is still so widely unaddressed in school systems today. It's either left out or presented in a negative light. It sickens me when I'm reminded that there are places around the country and the world that aren't as forward thinking as the people in this wonderful city that I was raised in. One of the points that Rohrer brings up is that maybe the people who condemn homosexuality just aren't well enough educated on the matter and are too afraid to learn something new that could potentially change the way the view things. If schools taught children that homosexuality is just as much of a choice as being born a girl or being born with a severe peanut allergy then maybe kids struggling with their feelings wouldn't be so afraid to ask questions and accept themselves. I urge you to read this article because even though we all might be totally accepting of homosexuality and baffled by the fact that there are people out there who aren't, it really opens your eyes to how much still needs to be done to educate others and save them from their own ignorance.